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The story about Vanya




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Than Vanya it is sick




The medical documentation




How to help Vanya











                                                In what disease consists?

     Malformation the Dandy-Walker – congenital anomaly of development of a brain – is more true, one of its areas – areas IV zheludochka.
     Particularly in Vanya a case the basic misfortune consists in full absence of a worm of a cerebellum – the body entering into system of regulation of movements.
     This zone of a cerebellum to the greatest degree is responsible for management of a muscular tone, a pose and balance of a body. The information on position of a body in space and a condition of the support-impellent device of a body there acts. This information is processed in a bark of a cerebellum, the commands correcting position of a body whence are transferred. Thus, absence of a worm of a cerebellum creates impossibility of management of position of a body in space – that the body of the person absolutely fine and can be normally developed physically, the person not in a condition to stand, go, coordinate the movements.

     One more danger malformation the Dandy-Walker consists in development of a hydrocephaly.
     The term "hydrocephaly" in exact translation means « head vodyanka ». This superfluous congestion of a spinal liquid in a cavity of a skull.
     The substance head and a spinal cord from different directions is constantly washed by a spinal liquid – likvorom. It is transparent, a liquid feeding and protecting a brain.
     In norm formation and absorbability likvora are in balance, the quantity of a liquid is constant, and accordingly, pressure likvora in a skull too is constant. But if functions of formation and imbibe are broken, pressure inside of a skull will increase. Increase of intracranial pressure is very dangerous, because the brain starts to be squeezed by the accumulated superfluous liquid. At squeeze a brain the vital functions of an organism, down to infringement of blood circulation and breath are broken. Besides from squeeze brain blood circulation that leads to spasms and various neurology infringements – parezam, to paralyses, etc. If intracranial pressure will continue to increase vessels of eyes are squeezed also that can lead to full blindness as a result is broken also.
     Till that time while at the child were not closed rodnichki, increase of intracranial pressure is partially compensated them vybukhaniem. But after them zarastaniya the skull turns to the closed vessel in which pressure progressively increases, causing heavy consequences.

     All aforesaid of is twice heavy that Vanya intelligence will appear not broken and everything, that will happen to him, he will realize completely. Imagine the human life, being in full consciousness, sensible mind and firm memory, but not having opportunities to operate the body! Any of us will come in horror at an idea to be completely paralyses and dependent in all from another's hands, cannot even independently take advantage of the spoon, a handkerchief, a toilet.
     If to not help Vanya today, him life it will appear almost same.

     But position can appear even more hard – increase of a hypostasis of a brain without treatment is capable to lead to death.

     Among possible heavy late complications Vanya of disease is also siringomieliya - chronic progressing disease of nervous system at which cavities in a chest department of a spinal cord are formed, in an oblong brain and other departments of a brain.  Siringomieliya leads to an atrophy of bones of the top part of a trunk and hands and to loss of calcium curvature of bones and crises, heavy inflammatory processes in a skin, an atrophy of muscles of hands by them is causes. In case of insufficient treatment siringomieliya can arise at teenage age.

     The mainstream of treatment malformation the Dandy-Walker consists in not admitting occurrence of heavy consequences of a hydrocephaly. The basic struggle against a hypostasis of a brain is spent by shunting – the operation consisting imposing kateter (a tube allocating surplus likvora from a cavity of a skull). Except for most kateter, the system includes also the valve overlapping outflow of a liquid at normalization of intracranial pressure that it did not fall below norm. As Vanya will grow, the shunt will appear it is necessary periodically (approximately time in two years) to replace on corresponding the sizes of a body. Behind shunting system regular supervision as infringement of her functioning can lead to heavy consequences – down to a fatal outcome in case of full refusal of system is necessary.

     Besides this, the medicament treatment reducing intracranial pressure, reducing production likvora, and also improving brain blood circulation and stimulating regenerative processes in fabrics of a brain steals up also.

     It is known, that compensation abilities of a brain are significant. Functions of an absent part of a cerebellum somewhat are capable to incur other departments. If from early age to be engaged in development Vanya of impellent skills it will promote formation in a brain of additional communications – so to say, « roundabout ways » on which nervous impulses to the support-impellent device are transferred. It is reached by the long and constant directed occupations by physiotherapy exercises,  specialized massage, electro stimulation of muscles, etc.

     All this is necessary for one reason. Absence of a cerebellum causes change of a muscular tone, therefore LFK, massage and other are required, that development of muscles occurred correctly, otherwise the raised tone razgibatelej will interfere with an opportunity to make normal volume of movements.

     Whether it is possible to tell, what Vanya position is hopeless?

     No, in no event!

     At duly both adequate treatment and constant medical supervision at Vanya there is all chances not only to avoid heavy consequences of disease, but also to grow almost same child, as well as his contemporaries, with one exception – he never can go independently. For walking to him the support and if support there is nothing – special adaptations will be always required. In all rest he will appear absolutely usual, normal person, not the greater invalid, than any person with the damaged foots.

     But that his tomorrow became such, today your help is required to him.

                                              Help him, please!


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